Smart Buttons
Controls/XML Elements

Configuring Question Blocks with the Question Block Designer

The QuestionsBlock control groups prompts together on one screen.

For example, this Question Block contains a text label (TextBlock), two text boxes (TextBox), and a date selector (DatePicker).

You can configure QuestionsBlock in the Smart Buttons Editor using either:

  • XML to nest other controls as child elements within the QuestionsBlock parent element.

  • The Question Block Designer, which is described in this topic. The Designer provides a user interface to:

    • Design and modify customized dialog boxes, which can include images, color group boxes, single check boxes, and more. Elements (controls) can be placed in any places on the Windows canvas.

    • Define behaviors for all fields. For example, show TextBox A only if CheckBox B is checked.

Note: The functionality of certain controls/XML elements may vary depending on whether the control is via XML or the Question Block Designer.

Designer Example

In this example, a customized dialog box is created in the Question Block Designer.

When displayed, the dialog box includes the prompts that were created using the Designer user interface.

Using the Question Block Designer

To configure with the Question Block Designer:

  1. Open the Smart Buttons Editor to create a script.

  2. Click the Question Block <QuestionsBlock> button to open the Question Block Designer.

    Tip! Do not drag and drop the button, which display the QuestionsBlock XML element in the Smart Buttons Editor.

    A series of control buttons is displayed, as well as a "canvas" workspace to arrange the layout of the prompts.

  3. Add the desired control to the canvas. There are two ways to add a control:

    • By clicking on the elements on the left menu of QuestionsBlock Designer.

    • By using the keyboard to press the numeric key that represents the element. For example, press 3 to add a Text Label.

  4. For each control , click and drag to move the control to the desired location in the canvas.

  5. For each selected control, modify the control in its Properties pane.

    Note: Some Smart Buttons controls/XML elements work similarly to how they are used independently in the main Smart Buttons Editor. Other controls/elements can be used only within the Question Block Designer, or have additional functions only when used in the Designer.

  1. After all prompts are configured and placed, click SUBMIT.

Using the Tab Index

If a dialog box contains multiple elements, the Tab Index can be used to specify the order in which the controls (elements) are tabbed when an agent presses the TAB key.

Using Field Behaviors

Sets up rules on each control within QuestionsBlock to conditionally display/hide/disable or enable the control.

It is possible to set up behaviors on all graphical controls available in the Question Block Designer. Behaviors are rules based on which specified control will become: Visible, Hidden, Disabled or Enabled.

If specific control is hidden or disabled during Submission of the form then the variables from that control will not be respected in the script context.